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Knox Playgroup

Our goal is to serve you and your child as you seek to make connections with other parents and their children. We do that by providing a safe place for you and your child to come to each week that caters to both of you. Your child has the opportunity to socialise and learn in a fun and secure environment. As a parent, you have the opportunity to connect with other parents and their children. We hope that as you make those connections, it is the beginning of some great friendships. We also hope to be a spiritual influence. While we welcome all faiths to our playgroup, we unashamedly worship Jesus Christ here at Knox and we hope that His love shines through us as we connect with you. You won’t find a high pressure environment, but you will find a group of volunteers walking alongside you. If you have spiritual questions, we want Knox to be a place where those can be explored!

When does playgroup meet?

Monday and Wednesday from 9:15am to 11:00am.

Is there a waiting list and How can I register?

The best way to find out if there is room is to fill out our online registration form or email  and the playgroup coordinator will contact you and let you know if there is space.

You can fill out our online registration form here

Is there a cost?

Yes, there is a small cost which helps cover craft supplies, morning tea, as well as our contribution to the building’s power and insurance. (This unfortunately includes babies )
We ask that you pay this electronically into our bank account within the first 4 sessions of the term.

Each child is $30 per term with a max of $40 per family.

Can I pay per session?

Yes, though in our experience, most parents prefer to pay for things online. It saves you from having to worry about having the money with you each session. However, if you are more comfortable paying each session, by all means please do so!

Who is playgroup for?

In keeping with our mission, we restrict playgroup to parents and immediate family members.
It is unavailable to nannies or paid caregivers.

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Knox Playgroup runs on Monday and Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall during the school terms from 9:15am to 11am.
Register for playgroup here and we will contact you. 

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 2021 Knox Presbyterian Church. All Rights Reserved.

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